Stony Run Committees

The smooth functioning of our Meeting is the result of the conscientious work of committees, which are responsible for everything that happens within our community - marriages, burials, peace education, roof repairs, pot luck suppers, etc. Several committees also sponsor working groups, typically focused on a narrow issue or project. Members of the Stony Run community are encouraged to serve on committees and working groups. In addition to accomplishing the myriad duties associated with our concerns, committees and working groups provide a forum for getting to know one another better. In a large Meeting such as ours, this is important in developing a greater sense of community than what is possible in our brief time together on First Days (Sundays).

A list of meeting committees and working groups is below. Some committees require membership in Stony Run Friends Meeting, while others are open to anyone in the community.

Friends may also be asked to serve on the Friends School Board of Trustees, the Friends Care Board of Directors, the Govans Ecumenical Development Corporation (GEDCO), ad hoc committees, or in the wider Quaker community, such as Yearly Meeting, Friends General Conference, American Friends Service Committee, and Friends Committee on National Legislation.

Peace and Justice Committee keeps the peace testimony a living concern and to respond to problems of social inequities and to human needs in the community.  The committee’s responsibilities include the education of Meeting members in specific concerns requiring attention and the recommendation of action where possible.  Attenders are welcome.

The Immigration Working Group is sponsored by the Peace and Justice Committee.  The working group provides assistance to refugee families, asylees, and asylee seekers in Baltimore City.  We keep the Meeting informed about issues that impact immigrants locally and nationally, as well as working with other groups that welcome and assist immigrants.  Foreign language or other specialized skills are not required.

The McKim Working Group is sponsored by the Peace and Justice Committee.  The working group supports the McKim Community Center which has been serving the needs of children in East Baltimore for more than 50 years. McKim sponsors a state-renowned wrestling program for youngsters up to high school age, a summer day camp, and an after school program which includes tutoring as well as a variety of enriching activities.

The Indian Affairs Working Group is sponsored by the Peace and Justice Committee.  The working group stimulates interest in, and cooperates on, projects and activities for the benefit of American Indians.  It concerns itself with local, regional and national legislation and criminal justice operations affecting Native Americans.  

The Burial Ground Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the Friends Burial Ground at 2506 Harford Road. The committee employs custodial staff, arranges for the selection of lots, makes needed arrangement when a burial occurs, and maintains the house on the property. Attenders are welcome.

The Committee for Support and Supervision (CSS) supervises and sets work priorities for the office staff, develops the office budget, including the Meeting Coordinator’s and Office Manager’s salaries and benefits, and oversees the daily operation of the office and the annual evaluation of staff.

The Community, Care and Clearness (CCC) Committee has the responsibility for community care of the Meeting, welcomes visitors, receives membership requests, and forms clearness committees, especially for membership and marriage. Together with Ministry and Counsel it helps families plan Memorial Meetings for Worship. CCC plans occasional community-building activities, keeps in touch with out-of-town members, and helps the Meeting care for its members in time of need.

The Finance Committee prepares an annual operating and outreach budget for consideration and approval at Monthly Meeting for Business, and to see that bills are promptly paid.

The Friends Aid Committee is authorized to draw upon funds in the care of the Trustees and of the Finance Committee, for the assistance of Friends in time of need. It is composed of two persons appointed by Monthly Meeting and one appointed by the Community, Care and Clearness Committee. The committee acts in complete confidentiality, and reports only an annual accounting of the total money disbursed at its direction.  Membership in Stony Run Meeting is required.

The Funds Review and Use Committee (FRAUC) is responsible for reviewing the various non-budget funds and recommending, for Meeting Approval, appropriate long-term or short-term use of available non-budget funds. Recommendations for use take into consideration the fund status, scope of the intended use, legal or Meeting limitations, amount available, etc.

The Giving Committee works to raise the money needed to support the Meeting’s operations and outreach budget.  This is done by organizing special fundraising events and by contacting members and attenders in the Meeting community.

The Event Planning Working Group is sponsored by the Giving Committee.  The working group hosts one large musical event each fall that features excellent professional local musicians. The music is accompanied by a printed program with many sponsors and an in-depth discussion of an interest or concern of Stony Run. The program ends with a delicious all-chocolate reception. Funds raised by the event help cover Stony Run's annual operating budget.

The Hospitality Committee is responsible for providing simple lunch on Sundays from Labor Day to Memorial Day, and arranging for such other meals (Quarterly meeting, etc.) as may be requested by the Meeting. The committee is also responsible for overseeing the good order of the kitchen.  Attenders are welcome.

The Library Committee provides and maintains books, magazines, and study materials for Meeting. It purchases publications by and about Friends, books for inspirational reading, materials which supplement the First-Day School curriculum, and carefully selected children's books.  Attenders are welcome.

The Ministry and Counsel Committee has the responsibility to foster and nurture the spirituality of our Meeting and to oversee the Meetings for Worship. Members offer assistance and support to families in time of death. Members are also available to assist people in matters of spiritual discernment.  Membership in the Religious Society of Friends is required.

The Nominating Committee recommends people to serve as officers and committee members of the Meeting. Nominations are subject to approval by the Monthly Meeting.  Membership in Stony Run Meeting is required.

The Property Committee is concerned with management, care and improvement of  the meetinghouse and grounds.  Attenders are welcome.

The Religious Education Committee has responsibility for programs for the children and teens on Sunday mornings and for special activities at other times.  They also provide and/or support intergenerational activities, and have provided occasional adult sessions on the Quaker way and on the Bible.  They maintain a small library of curriculum resources to help teachers plan lessons, as well as art and craft supplies.

The Trustees Committee is responsible for the care and custody of all real and personal property of the Meeting and for the management of the Meeting's investments and endowment funds.  Membership in Stony Run Meeting is required.

The Ushers Committee coordinates the services of those who act as ushers at all Meetings for Worship, and who are responsible for opening and closing the Meetinghouse.  Membership in Stony Run Meeting is required.

The Working Group on Academic Education, under the care of the Funds Review and Use Committee (FRAUC), provides financial support to Stony Run members and attenders with children enrolled at Friends School of Baltimore. The families must be active in Stony Run and have children already enrolled at Friends School but are faced with withdrawing from school due to changed family financial circumstances and/or increased tuition. The working group also can provide aid to families for a second (or third or fourth) child to attend Friends School.  An application form is available early in January for the school year starting in September.

The Child Safety Committee ensures the safety of all children at Stony Run Meeting and compliance with the policy approved by the Trustees Committee.

Clearness Committees are formed at the request of individuals who seek assistance in making decisions or resolving personal difficulties.  Interested persons may contact Ministry & Counsel, Community, Care and Clearness or the Meeting Office for more information or for help in forming a clearness committee.