About Stony Run

Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends, Stony Run is a large, unprogrammed (without pastors or order of service) urban Meeting, with individuals and families of all ages, races, sexual orientations, and family make-up. Its membership numbers about 350. A sizable group of nonmembers (attenders) participate frequently. Attendance at a Meeting for Worship can range from less than 10 people to more than 100, depending on the time of year and other factors. A lively First Day School (Sunday school), youth activities, and adult religious education programs provide activities for all ages. 

A Monthly Meeting, such as Stony Run, is the basic unit of Quaker organization. The fundamental responsibilities of the Monthly Meeting are ministry and worship, pastoral care of members, nurture of young people, fellowship/inspiration/recreation, outreach and social concern, solemnization of marriage, consoling of bereaved Friends, adult education, and raising of funds needed for the work of the Society. You can learn more about how our community works here.

Stony Run is a constituent Meeting of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, a consolidated Yearly Meeting related to both Friends General Conference and Friends United Meeting.  

Visitors to Stony Run Friends Meeting will see a table of literature outside the Meeting room. These pamphlets and flyers will give a broader understanding of Quaker beliefs and activities. There is also a booklet for newcomers, "Welcome to Stony Run," on the table. All of these items are offered free of charge to interested visitors.